Saturday, April 9, 2011

Another "before" photo

One pot bulgur curry

This is tasty and filling.

One onion, chopped.

1 T. olive oil

1 lb extra lean ground beef (Like Laura's brand)

1 or 2 cans of tomato sauce

1 cup of bulgur

garlic, curry powder, other seasonings to taste (cinnamon, cardamom, cumin...)

1 head of cauliflower,chopped

1 or 2 cups of baby carrots

1 can of chickpeas, drained


saute onion in olive oil. Add ground beef and keep stirring at the beef in the pot until its all brown and broken up. Add tomato sauce, seasonings, cauliflower and carrots. Bring to a boil and add bulgur and chickpeas. Return to a boil. If you want it a bit soupier, add some extra water at this point. Cover pot and set to simmer on very low or if using a dutch oven, you can put it in a 350 degree oven for about 60 minutes until the bulgur is soft.

I am not going to give points plus values for my recipes. If you like them, put them in the recipe builder and calculate for yourself. Please note that this recipe is all power foods (except for the oil.)

Friday, April 8, 2011

So, how is the food on Weight Watchers?

A lot of folks ask that. They think that on WW you eat only WW food.

This is a misconception. On WW you can eat anything. You just have to track what you eat and not go over a certain number of "points." Points values (now called Points Plus) are assigned to various foods, and you get a daily points target, plus a weekly points slush fund. In addition, you can earn additional points by doing exercise. So you can eat a lot of food if you want to.

But there is no rule saying you have to eat frozen meals or other foods manufactured by WW. In fact, much as I like WW, I do not care for their foods.

The WW point system is designed to nudge you gently towards healthier eating habits. So if you are a volume eater (like me) you will start selecting low point high volume foods like fresh fruits and vegetables (zero points under the new system!) plus lean proteins, whole grains and fat free dairy. You will mostly stay away from deep fried or sugary foods--or learn to enjoy a very small portion as a treat.

I will be posting some recipes shortly.

progress photo: One year later (Labor Day weekend 2010)

Here I am at an outdoor wedding for my nephew, just about one year later. I will add some more recent photos as soon as I can get my dear husband (who has lost over 100 lbs) to send me some more recent ones.

Before photo

This photo was taken just about a week before I joined WW. I was at a reunion and thought I looked pretty good.

Welcome to my blog!

Hi there, this is my blog about getting healthier. I have lost almost 65 pounds with Weight Watchers since August of 2009.  I will post progress photos, recipes and information about exercise here on this blog.